Friday 29 March 2019

Brexit - Please Let It End

In a spirit of Saturday this is written with a lighter tone, with relatable instances

When I woke up this morning I quickly opened the BBC news website to check the 3rd vote, I was relieved to hear it had failed again, but, as I read on, I saw she intends to bring it back a 4th time. Mrs May enough!! You're starting to behave like a rerun of Nick Clegg denying the EU army!

I have long been saying that this deal is a war time capitulation, a surrender document. I was pleased to hear Yanis Varoufakis make the same claim on Question Time Thursday last.

As, I showered I considered a time prior to 1973 when we joined the EU on a lie. Ted Heath hid the facts from Parliament as to the true intentions of the EU and how it was expected to evolve into this super state that we are seeing today. The Werner report had already been published the path was set, sovereignty would give way and monetary union would follow.  But, Ted a man whom I met in the early 80s and chatted to about of all things about the price of copper whilst we stood against the porcelain at The Waterside Inn in Bray near Maidenhead an elegant Michelin star restaurant adjoining the Thames

It wasn't until 1975, that the “Common Market's ” true intentions were revealed, hence the referendum backed up by the government pamphlet making clear as to the path we were on. But, by this time we were in.  It's important to remember the 70s.  The 70s were known as our darkest decade in peacetime. The days when unions controlled the agenda, with the likes of Red Robbo a man who orchestrated 523 strikes bringing to its knees 40% of all our manufacturing, ultimately paving the way for British Leyland’s demise. An unions agenda was clear during this period it was to bring the UK to its knees and pass it to their communist masters in the Soviet Union. So for sure the common sense position was always to stay with the EU.  But we should be mindful that in later years Mikeal Gorbachev’s quote “the EU is the Soviet Union in western clothes”.

Reflecting back to the days pre the EU, I remembered certain events by today's standard perhaps could not exist. A man would visit our doorstep perhaps three days of the week, he would drive a chocolate brown Morris 1000 van emblazoned across the side were gold lettering in Roman font ”Whitehorn Bakers”. I scurried to the door, my mum perhaps flirtatiously would greet him, I've added that bit but for sure she bought a lot from him the rapport was already secure, what did I care as long as she bought the cream horns! No plastic in sight, the bread came in a wax paper with sheet fold ends. 

This was an era like no other and it pre-dated the EU. We used to take the bread wrapper race to the local park and polish the slide with the wax content and then see how far we could shoot off the end of the slide. Good days for some reason I always remember them as sunny days, which of course could not have been the case. Our early EU years conversely I remember them as dark, cold, gloomy days as we huddled around an open fire during the many power cuts as we endured the 3-day week. We were more fortunate as coal was scarce, the miners had us on our knees my dad was able to purchase vast quantities as and when it was available.  The coal lorry loaded with black sacks, men would stagger into our coal shed with endless bags loaded on their backs protected by what was known as Donkey Jackets with a leather shoulder patch.

In short there was a life prior to the EU and by all accounts it was a good life. I'm not suggesting we will go back to sunny uplands, just that we really reflect on what the EU offers this modern world. It offers a story from the past. Mikael Gorbachev is correct in his assertion. The EU is an ideology with no new ideas. It is a collection of self-indulgent elites who are stifling great nations, destroying hope to millions across the Med. Sucking the life blood out of the economies of the richer nations. 

Look to how the world has evolved! The British Empire dominated the 19C. Americanisation the 20thC. The EU Century has not and will not happen. This Century belongs to Asia, here we have a form of cooperation, no ivory towers just a collective understanding. The Financial crisis of 2008 was not a global crisis as we like to refer to it.  It was a western crisis Asia have grown phenomenally since 2008. Read my blog here

They have grown through cooperation, they have each supported each other, investing in each other, and they have done this with a wave mentality respecting each others’ sovereignty. Not one drunken official amongst them. Not one treaty leading to some form of unification. When I try to get this point across I am always met with a parochial attitude, Asia is too far, we need to reduce our carbon foot print. Yet we use Asia as our manufacturer, we ship our North Sea shell fish to Thailand to be shelled (that's another story perhaps a read of my blog of that subject you would not eat another prawn). Read my blog here

I will leave this here today.  Again thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings!

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