Monday 22 April 2019

We must decouple from the European Union and not enter the backstop

The UK has lots of advantages and if they are used cleverly to decouple from the EU, as well as the new freedom in a good bilateral relationship, then the UK could develop very positively – I’m convinced of thatRead here

Ueli Maurer Swiss Finance Minister FT 26 March 2017

We must decouple from the European Union

In 2016, we were faced with an extreme version of project fear. Such claims that if we broke from the European union's iron grip then we would indeed face dire consequences. Such consequences would immediately be felt by way of half a million job losses. But, another claim that has not come to fruition, which today has been swept under the carpet so to speak that is FDI “Foreign Direct Investment”, it was claimed that FDI would dry up plunging the UK into a form of Banana republic. 

Here we are in 2019, having enjoyed the best employment rates on record, jobs have grown significantly. Almost daily there is positive news, even this week a headline read that all job vacancies since the referendum have been filled by British Nationals. Now for the papers to print such a headline would be deemed racist, but, is it? How can it be, as the UK is already a cosmopolitan, eclectic mix. Nevertheless, the headline makes good reading, in part vindicates leaving the European Union's iron grip. Of course in addition the headline employment rate makes a compelling story also in support of vote leave.

Foreign Direct Investment "FDI"

Foreign Direct Investment “FDI” not only did it not dry up, investment  have quadrupled coming from across the world. But here's the catch and this should embarrass remainers: we have had record investment since the referendum! Last year our Foreign Investment was second only to China, passing the FDI into the USA. Bizarre as tbis will seem European Union conglomerates are placing investments in the UK looking for a better future. With such a raft of good news why do we still have these daily battles with remain and Theresa May? 

The Japanese perhaps were always seen as the biggest risk to our financial well-being. But, apart from headline grabbing statements exploited by the media this has been no more than an irritant played out to sell newspapers, metaphorically speaking. 

Yes it's true Japanese have over the years invested in the UK to access the European market, but tariffs are not the only reason the Japanese are here.  The UK has a great climate for manufacture which is interference free, a stable environment. Even with the Parliament shenaniggans this continues to be the case. 

The Japanese are not known for their astute interpretation of all things European. In the late 1990s they predicted with equal vigor gloom, despair, almost apocalyptic if we were to snub the Euro. Of course that was not the case. To continue with this "orchestrated" despair we hear noise from French conglomerates, German conglomerates such as BMW who all claim in somehow unison, they predict the worst for their businesses that are in the UK. Of course one assumes there was no political pressure brought to bear on them to make such statements. But, since we seem to be enjoying a boom period. Our economy has outperformed even the stellar German economy within the Eurozone, which we all know is heading for recession.

Free Trade Agreements

It is absurd to assume that we the UK would collapse as an economy even if we end up with a situation of paying tariffs to enter the European markets. This is simply not true! For one, we run a surplus, we sell to European Union two-thirds of our product to that of the European Union products sold to the UK, in real terms, per year we run a £90 Billion deficit. Seriously can Germany walk away from that. On a second point, there are 100s of countries who sell to the EU on WTO including the USA, weakening the argument further Japan also sells product from Japan into the EU with little or no issues. So why is WTO so onerous a prospect? Why do we assume that when entering on WTO we remain on WTO. Rationally, negotiating a Free Trade Agreement can this not be the adult way forward?

When you analyse the-remain argument there really is so little of substance to their points, apart from the term MY! It is always about them and not the collective. Their supply chains, their holidays, their future. Indeed, their arguments are so weak they always resort to insults, such as:

We are Xenophobic, little Englanders, low caste (if such a thing exists). All I can say to that is; many in a number of constituencies with large South Asian populations they delivered Leave votes, including Luton (56.5% Leave), Hillingdon (56.4% Leave), Slough (54.3% Leave) and Bradford (54.2% Leave). All have South Asian populations of 25% and above. It’s not unreasonable to think that such Leave votes could not have been delivered without a significant number of Asian voters opting for Brexit. Read here

Sunday 21 April 2019

Nigel Farage look to the Magna Carta

Or one for Boris Johnson

Nigel Farage What Planet Are These MPs From?

Philip Hammond attending the IMF conference in New York. Explains this as we are again leading the world in lessons on democracy, he claims we are a bastion of democracy and this is what a democracy does. The world should take note for we are the best at it. He went on to say we must now put Brexit behind us and move onto other government issues. Well hear hear to that. However, as a guess this was code for, we must bury Brexit now once and for all.  He then said that politics is always like this and in one year this will be all forgotten assuming the conservatives will waltz the next election. 
  1. I agree we must move on, but to do this you and others in government must truly leave the EU.
  2. This in time will be forgotten, but, I fear Mr Hammond this may take 10 years, you are deluding yourself if you think you can bring authoritarianism to the shores of the United Kingdom and expect it to be forgotten. Particularly when you represent only vested interests and damn the rest of the Great British people.
  3. This not democracy in action, this is a battle of democracy over unabashed authoritarianism. Democracy is about representing your constituents, it's about representing the people of Great Britain. You Mr Hammond are doing neither, move aside and let Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson or even Jacob Rees-Mogg into office.. 

We are where we are because you and others will not accept democracy, this is unacceptable. I suspect there's a lot about our role in the EU that is illegal under the rules of the Magna Carta along with other rulings such as the "Bill Of Rights" centuries later, but more on that in another article. Bill of rights can be referenced here

Many people believe as I did that we were given an option by way of referendum on joining the EU. This is not the case we joined in 1973. We were given the option through a referendum to leave in 1975.

  1. Prior to joining a poll was taken where the British people overwhelmingly reject to join.  Ted Heath was asked after our membership had passed why did he not seek a mandate from the British people. His answer “Because the British people would have said no”.  Not only did he run roughshod over us he deceived Parliament.  Informing the house that it was a simple trading block with shared ideas. What he failed to explain was the “Werner report” produced in the late 60s this report was the basis of the EU today. Within this report it is outlined exactly what the EU was and what was intended. Loss of Sovereignty was always on the agenda, it was expected to be handed to the EU. Verhofstadt is absolutely right to insist member states surrender more Sovereignty it is in the EU constitution since the beginning. 
  2. In 1975, we did indeed elect to stay in the EU, by a resounding 64% but on a turnout considerably less than we had in 2016. It is important to remember; the 1970s were our darkest decade for they ushered in the Soviet funded unions intent on disrupting manufacturing in this country. Strikes were seen everywhere, violence was on the streets, picket lines made use of flying pickets, which meant any radical could join any strike group. Three day weeks, power outages, TV was shut down. Cold dark nights were indeed the norm.

A Question For Jacob Rees-Mogg Perhaps

Jacob is our membership legal? And was the surrender of our sovereignty legal? Here the argument becomes quite fuzzy.

  1. The magna Carta throws doubt on this! 
  2. In 1530 a group of Lords wrote very clearly to the then pope Clemence requesting the annulment of Henry the Eighths marriage. The letter was signed by MPs as well as the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. Within the letter they claim: they will apply under UK  law extreme remedies to split with the Catholic church. The letter was a three-foot wide parchment with 18 wax seals. Effectively this document was our first foray as a brexiteer, making Henry an eminent brexiteer, and of course we are aware of the outcome and no evil has fallen on us.
  3. In 1689 came the English bill of rights again throwing doubt on the legality of a foreign power holding dominion over the UK. Within this document it is clear: No foreign Prince, Person, Prelate, state nor potentate can rule over England. I will explain more in a later post, but this raises the question is membership legal? Click here

Boris Johnson We Brits Are Embarrased

An Australian whom I had dinner with last night, asked me a simple question and then explained his reasons. Given the basis that perception is reality we should really take note and put an end to these disjointed loner type behaviours emanating from our British Parliament. However, I digress the question was simple “Am I not ashamed to be British at this time?” He went on to explain, “ the global economy is slowing and as the 5th largest economy you have to play your part to move growth forward, but you're not instead you are destroying democracy and bringing the acceptance of Authoritarian rule”. It is difficult to defend the indefensible.

Saturday 20 April 2019

The Brexit Tyranny That We All Face And Will Ultimately Harm Us

Tyrants ultimately look stupid

The Face of the Brexit Tyranny Comes In Many Forms 

Listen to the people, this is not going away passions are running high. Not necessarily because you are ignoring us, more because you are treating us as stupid. Add to this the argument coming from remain camp, it is quite abusive.

To refer to us as Xenophobic, working class, low paid, low educated is really quite absurd. Many affluent regions of the UK voted out, many Asians voted out, so you see such labels are quite ridiculous. Why do we have seperate Brexit meetings in the EU by those who have no interest other than themselves and have no role in Government and do not represent the people. This is self serving tyranny in its basic form intent on overturning Brexit. See here

This Is Why Brexit Tyranny Will Not Work

The issue here is; it was drummed home during the referendum campaign that this vote would be honoured, a once in a lifetime vote, there will be no second brexit vote, leave means leave.  So why three years later are we still talking about this? Why are we now pushing for a second brexit referendum? To prevaricate like this, it is adding to the divisions in our society.  I'm sorry to say remain have lost the argument as the economy has powered on throughout this muddle, Investment surpasses all, bar China and has done so since the vote.  Indeed, better still the EU corporate's have also piled money into the UK seeking better times outside of the extreme regulation framework of the EU. All of this makes the tyrannical individuals appear more self-serving. Refer to click here

Ironically, we talk of Foreign corporations investing in the UK to gain access to the EU. As we have seen, this is not the case as investment has been stellar, but, what we are seeing is investment from the EU looking to the UK to focus on the wider world. If the remainers could look to the future and believe in Great Britain then we indeed have a good chance of a better future. A better future already being factored in by the way smart money is moving to our shores. If we allow the Brexit tyrants to scupper this opportunity then we are doomed to the fate of an already declining EU.

The Poor Results Of Tyrannical Behavour Can Be Seen 

The EU with the straight jacket of the Euro have devastated the Mediterranean countries, to the point that the young no longer have hope. Is this what we want for the UK? No it is not. France is not immune from this malaise their economy has performed poorly since 2008, at half the pace of the UK and a third of the US.  The best performing economy since 2008 has been Germany which has still waded in at a level significantly lower than the UK.

Mrs May must not get her way, we must never agree her treaty, we must never agree to be subservient to the EU. If they wish to play hard ball then so be it, their growth is poor even with the major parts going into recession. 

The forecasts heading out 10 years show the Eurozone a mere 10% of worldwide GDP, source PWC. PWC predict that this is Asia's century indeed the top 5 economies only 1 western economy will appear, the USA at number 2, the rest Asia. Even the UK is predicted to pass Germany as the largest economy. See here 

Have faith Leave we must! The EU must change if individuals are to have hope, the EU must emerge as champions for the people not the elite, nor the corporations. The next leader must work for the people, Tyrannical Blair is not that person!

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Now the US turn to meddle in UK politics

It's not over yet.. who is Nancy Pelosi to interfere in the UK. Don't you just love it when the EU make announcements just for effect! This whole episode is really quite pathetic. A video below describes brexit as it is today!

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Behind you Mr Lammy its panto season in the commons again

The walter Mitty of Parliament David Lammy

Monday 15 April 2019

Accept democracy and be done

Brexit disjointed

Sunday 14 April 2019

Leopard will never change its spots. So why will the EU?

We've had the madness of King George who lost America. Now we have the Madness of Mrs May who has lost Great Britain. Each day that passes we have more distance between what is legally correct and what is Mrs May's interpretation. This is known as a dictatorship! 

We have legally left the EU, yet we have to go to court to prove it! Why because our PM is a Dictator! March 29th was enshrined in law. Enshrined in the English Bill Of Rights no foreign Prince, person, prelate, state or potentate can rule England. 

I watched the TV this weekend just as many have, I am staggered at the events that have taken place. I am also concerned by the freedoms of interpretation that our press have. I saw little in the way of the solidarity shown to the 70-year para veteran by the bikers parading through London, this was a remarkable example of comradery shown to a serving para during the Irish troubles.  The troubles were appalling but a line has been drawn, amnesty has been granted, and we must move on. Why then is a para being dragged through the courts for something that happened 40 years ago, a period in time others have long been pardoned for. It is exactly this stupidity that will bring the troubles alive again causing divisions across the divide. 

I watched the David Lammy interview on the Andrew Marr show. I am aghast at the accusation that the ERG are N..i's in fact worse he explains that the term is too soft a term.

1. Mr Lammy anti-Semitism sits firmly in the labour domain. 

2. My hope is that Mr Lammy is arrested for that despicable accusation, for he has no parliamentary privilege on the Andrew Marr show. The protestor was arrested for calling Anna Sourby the same.

3. Having watched Mr Lammy on Question time, I have to say; it will be difficult to bring decorum to Parliament when emotions and accusations are so childish. 

We do indeed need an election to weed this lot out of Parliament. But! Of course, after such a difficult period to let a Marxist in shell suit run the worlds 5th biggest economy this would be the icing on the cake, the nail in the coffin for the demise of the UK.

The UK has the second best investment, 2nd only to China, we have the best growth in Europe, better than Germany double that of France. Our employment is remarkably strong, when you compare to the Eurozone we are positively utopia, why then are there so many eminent characters fighting to keep us shackled to the EU.

Terms like the EU is the biggest trading block in the world, this is rubbish, simply not true. Asian economies are the biggest trading block, the EU is a dwarf to this block and will represent less than 10%, as Asian countries displace the top 5 economies.  It is an informal gathering of supportive nations. I have written much on this subject reference the wave mentality driving Asia's growth over 50 years. Click here to view.  Here there is no ivory tower, no tax funded wine cellars or jamborees just good honest gatherings. No Verhofstadt demanding Sovereignty be stripped of participating neighbours. There is no regulation stifling growth. No CET forcing cost by as much as 50% (dairy products) on hard done by consumers.

I watched the Andrew Neil interview with Ken Clarke, my jaw dragging the floor in astonishment. Mr Clarke has no basis for his argument other than a leopard will indeed change their spots, which of course we all know it does not. 

In terms of changing approach, if that were the case the EU would have recognized by now that the ideology behind the Euro is destroying the youth of the Mediterranean countries. The Euro will fail and if the Med countries are expelled for their own survival, the world will see a kick back that will make 2008 look like a tea party. For sure any currency they adopt will be so burdened with debt that it will not be able to sustain itself causing a collapse and a default. 

If Ken Clarke is so sure of himself then why are we in this situation with this dogged divisive negotiation.  A negotiation that will destroy the German car industry if someone doesn't soon apply the brake. 

The only news worthy of note is Boris' article in the Telegraph where he claims once this is done the pent-up investment looking to come into the UK will be unleashed. Well we have evidence of that inward investment, since the referendum it has been remarkably strong. No thanks to Mr Osborne.

Thank you for reading please comment, follow and like please, I appreciate the support and the many shares. 

Saturday 13 April 2019

A magnificent location on planet earth

A change of pace today as I would very much like to share a story of a beautiful location on this planet. Mount Ijen towering over tropical rain forests adorned by layered or terraced rice paddies forming giant steps through the foot hills of this magical spot. A change of pace.

The Ijen volcano complex is a group of composite volcanoes located on the border between Banyuwangi Regency and Bondowoso Regency of East Java, Indonesia.

It is inside a larger caldera Ijen, which is about 20 kilometres wide. The Gunung Merapi stratovolcano is the highest point of that complex. The name "Gunung Merapi" means "mountain of fire" in the Indonesian language (api being "fire"); Mount Merapi in central Java and Marapiin Sumatra have the same etymology.

West of Gunung Merapi is the Ijen volcano, which has a one-kilometre-wide turquoise-coloured acidic crater lake. The lake is the site of a labour-intensive sulfur mining operation, in which sulfur-laden baskets are carried by hand from the crater floor. The work is paid well considering the cost of living in the area, but is very onerous. Workers earn around Rp 50,000–75,000 ($5.50–$8.30) per day and once out of the crater, still need to carry their loads of sulfur chunks about three kilometers to the nearby Paltuding Valley to get paid.

Many other post-caldera cones and craters are located within the caldera or along its rim. The largest concentration of post-caldera cones run east-west across the southern side of the caldera. The active crater at Kawah Ijen has a diameter of 722 metres (2,369 ft) and a surface area of 0.41 square kilometres (0.16 sq mi). It is 200 metres (660 ft) deep and has a volume of 36 cubic hectometres (29,000 acre ft).

The lake is recognised as the largest highly acidic crater lake in the world.[1] It is also a source for the river Banyupahit, resulting in highly acidic and metal-enriched river water which has a significant detrimental effect on the downstream river ecosystem.[5] On July 14–15, 2008, explorer George Kourounis took a small rubber boat out onto the acid lake to measure its acidity. The pH of the water in the lake's edges was measured to be 0.5 and in the middle of the lake 0.13 due to high sulfuric acid concentration.

Blue fire crater

Since National Geographic mentioned the electric-blue flame of Ijen, tourist numbers increased.[7] The phenomenon has occurred for a long time, but beforehand there was no midnight hiking. A two-hour hike is required to reach the rim of the crater, followed by a 45-minute hike down to the bank of the crater. The blue fire is ignited sulfuric gas, which emerges from cracks at temperatures up to 600 °C (1,112 °F).

The flames can be up to five meters (16 feet) high; some of the gas condenses to liquid and is still ignited. It is the largest blue flame area in the world and local people refer to it as 'Blue Fire' 

Sulfur mining at Ijen

An active vent at the edge of the lake is a source of elemental sulfur, and supports a mining operation. Escaping volcanic gases are channelled through a network of ceramic pipes, resulting in condensation of molten sulfur.[10]
The sulfur, which is deep red in colour when molten, pours slowly from the ends of these pipes and pools on the ground, turning bright yellow as it cools. The miners break the cooled material into large pieces and carry it away in baskets. Miners carry loads ranging from 75 to 90 kilograms (165 to 198 lb), up 300 metres (980 ft) to the crater rim, with a gradient of 45 to 60 degrees and then 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) down the mountain for weighing. Most miners make this journey twice a day.

A nearby sulfur refinery pays the miners by the weight of sulfur transported; as of September 2010, the typical daily earnings were equivalent to approximately $13 US. The miners often receive insufficient protection while working around the volcano and complain of numerous respiratory afflictions. There are 200 miners, who extract 14 tons per day – about 20% of the continuous daily deposit.

Ijen and its sulfur mining was featured in the 1991 IMAX film Ring of Fire, and as a topic on the 5th episode of the BBC television documentary Human Planet.

In the documentary film War Photographer, journalist James Nachtwey visits Ijen and struggles with noxious fumes while trying to photograph workers. Michael Glawogger's film Workingman's Death is about sulfur workers.

Friday 12 April 2019

Our Government Is Abusing Its Powers

An Australian whom I had dinner with last night, asked me a simple question and then explained his reasons. Given the basis that perception is reality we should really take note and put an end to these disjointed loner type behaviours emanating from our British Parliament. However, I digress the question was simple “Am I not ashamed to be British at this time?” He went on to explain, “ the global economy is slowing and as the 5th largest economy you have to play your part to move growth forward, but you're not instead you are destroying democracy and bringing the acceptance of Authoritarian rule”. It is difficult to defend the indefensible.

Philip Hammond attending the IMF conference in New York. Explains this as we are again leading the world in lessons on democracy, he claims we are a bastion of democracy and this is what a democracy does. The world should take note for we are the best at it. He went on to say we must now put Brexit behind us and move onto other government issues. Well hear hear to that. However, as a guess this was code for, we must bury Brexit now once and for all.  He then said that politics is always like this and in one year this will be all forgotten assuming the conservatives will waltz the next election. 

  1. This not democracy in action, this is a battle of democracy over unabashed authoritarianism. Democracy is about representing your constituents, it's about representing the people of Great Britain. You Mr Hammond are doing neither. 
  2. I agree we must move on, but to do this you and others in government must truly leave the EU.
  3. This in time will be forgotten, but, I fear Mr Hammond this may take 10 years, you are deluding yourself if you think you can bring authoritarianism to the shores of the United Kingdom and expect it to be forgotten. Particularly when you represent only vested interests and damn the rest of the Great British people.

We are where we are because you and others will not accept democracy, this is unacceptable. I suspect there's a lot about our role in the EU that is illegal under the rules of the Magna Carta along with other rulings centuries later, but more on that in another article. 

Many people believe as I did that we were given an option by way of referendum on joining the EU. This is not the case we joined in 1973. We were given the option through a referendum to leave in 1975.

  1. Prior to joining a poll was taken where the British people overwhelmingly reject to join.  Ted Heath was asked after our membership had passed why did he not seek a mandate from the British people. His answer “Because the British people would have said no”.  Not only did he run roughshod over us he deceived Parliament.  Informing the house that it was a simple trading block with shared ideas. What he failed to explain was the “Werner report” produced in the late 60s this report was the basis of the EU today. Within this report it is outlined exactly what the EU was and what was intended. Loss of Sovereignty was always on the agenda, it was expected to be handed to the EU. Verhofstadt is absolutely right to insist member states surrender more Sovereignty it is in the EU constitution since the beginning. 
  2. In 1975, we did indeed elect to stay in the EU, by a resounding 64% but on a turnout considerably less than we had in 2016. It is important to remember; the 1970s were our darkest decade for they ushered in the Soviet funded unions intent on disrupting manufacturing in this country. Strikes were seen everywhere, violence was on the streets, picket lines made use of flying pickets, which meant any radical could join and strike group. Three day weeks, power outages, TV was shut down. Cold dark nights were indeed the norm.

Is our membership legal? And was the surrender of our sovereignty legal? Here the argument becomes quite fuzzy.

  1. The magna Carta throws doubt on this! 
  2. In 1530 a group of Lords wrote very clearly to the then pope Clemence requesting the annulment of Henry the Eighths marriage. The letter was signed by MPs as well as the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. Within the letter they claim: they will apply under UK  law extreme remedies to split with the Catholic church. The letter was a three-foot wide parchment with 18 wax seals. Effectively this document was our first foray as a brexiteer, making Henry an eminent brexiteer, and of course we are aware of the outcome and no evil has fallen on us.
  3. In 1689 came the English bill of rights again throwing doubt on the legality of a foreign power holding dominion over the UK. Within this document it is clear: No foreign Prince, Person, Prelate, state nor potentate can rule over England. I will explain more in a later post, but this raises the question is membership legal? Click Here

Is Our EU Membership Legal?

Click here

Thursday 11 April 2019

Brexit The Myth Or The Story

No deal planning. Ordered to rethink Brexit. The next step being to revoke article 50. Delay long enough that the 2016 vote has no mandate. Leaders across Europe gloating at our predicament.  Talk of eminent remoaners have schemed engaging with the likes of Macron et al. 

What are these headlines other than complete capitulation to a phoney government of a foreign power, by a leader who has no party to lead.  Her only followers are the independent party. A bunch of misfits devoid of mandate. 

The brexit battle is all but lost, our taxes will again swiftly wash down the swamps of Europe. If ever there was a black hole worthy of ignoring for it must surely be the chamber viewed from the atrium within the Brussels monolith albeit glass. 

It is proven the young of the Med are in desperate straits, the economies of the Med have unwound 20 years of growth. Greece is all but a tourist attraction, yes this great explorer, philosopher, commander of shipping has been reduced to a cultural theme park barely able to sustain its young. 

France's labour laws are archaic for they soon will depart to the south and join their brothers and sisters across the Med, losing all hope for the young. Macron is desperate to become integral in the bosom of the EU, for he knows he can not sustain France's position going forward, look to France it has one of the poorest growth rates since 2008. 

It's fascinating to watch, the posturing, the power posturing emanating from the Brussels corridors, for this has all been a charade. 

We may well have lost the battle, we may well revoke article 50, but the war will continue as move towards the elections. For sure a powerful leader will once again emerge in the guise of Thatcher, Churchill, Lloyd George, and then we will leave this failing project. 

The fear now becomes that our wonderful country will be absorbed in the EU ideology, the £ will float down the Thames, our army will be absorbed into the western soviet empire, words by Mikael Gorbachev. 

Let's not forget the cost of our trips to the supermarket to buy are dairy products which enjoy a 50% tariff. Tariffs levied in order to pass 9% of the agricultural subsidies to the chosen French farmers that support the chevalier doctrine.  

Any rational thinking person will know that we have been trapped by a Disney parliament looking for their next role, perhaps custodian of Junker's wine cellar.

Batten down the hatches pay over the top for our food, clothing and footwear struggling under the burden of taxes that flow our way at an alarming speed. Continue to eat north sea shell fish, swapped with heavily concentrated mercury and arsenic prawns in the peeling factories of the Far East under the watchful eye of EU resident inspectors. 

If ever there was an abject example as to how democracy in this country works then look to the three years past. Open a referendum fill our heads with lies, punishment budgets, huge job losses, security would be compromised etc. Then the result paint the leavers as the liars, the Xenophobes, the great unwashed. Enlist the deep state to rubbish, intimidate, work the European corridors, plotting the surrender of the 17.4M honest folk. Coin slogans such as: not all leavers are racists but all racists are leavers.

Can we ever heal from this, once as I suspect article 50 is revoked. Remember the words of the great Bard. “No Legacy is so rich as honesty”. “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” I look forward as to how history write this as the new enlightened period. How, deviousness and treachery became the acceptable law of this great nation.

UK brush with Hotel California - Eagles

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Dark Forces that Surround our PM

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
'Relax' said the night man,
'We are programmed to receive.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!'

This is all so embarrassing.  It is as though we have a rouge PM, completely out of control. Out of touch with the electorate, out of touch with Parliament, out of touch with Government and out of touch with her cabinet. 

So who is she in touch with? Is there a deep state, a black op intent on controlling this process thwarting the will of the people. If so why on earth did we have the referendum? Surely, it wasn't to endure an exercise of vilification of 17.4Million people, by the aristocracy or elite Lords along with other vested interests. 

Which ever way this falls there will now be divisions that will not heal, come the next election there will be an upset like has never been seen before, it will make the “corn laws” look like a picnic. My monies on Nigel Farage as for sure I do not want to see a lurch to the right and the country can not afford a brush with Marxism.

In two months it will have been three years since we voted to leave and here we are in a time warp that even Dr Who could not release us from. So who is driving Mrs May, who are behind the machinations of this great plan? And for what purpose will it achieve.

For sure the EU is failing, it has the poorest growth of any trading block in the developed world, a quarter of the UK. It has the highest unemployment For the under 25s. It is a protectionist block with tariffs as high as 50% on dairy products. The EU have stood by and watched the brutal put down of dissenting voices from Catalonia to Paris and the rural hinterland of France. I come back to Mikael Gorbachev, he said “ The EU is the Soviet Union in Western Clothes”.  

The Euro is an ideology which has imprisoned the South, France’s labour laws can not be reformed driving France to join with their brothers and sister to the south. Even Germany is not immune from dissenting voices, the AFD gained 96 seats during the last election thus can not be ignored. For sure German industries have benefited from the Euro, but the workers have not, their German pay increase since 2008 is a third of Finland's pay increase. 

So I come back who is driving this? Who is ensuring our humiliation on the world stage? Who has given the schoolboy of France the platform to belittle us, who is behind the plan to force us to doubt ourselves, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, the 5th or 6th biggest economy. Our armed forces rank 5th, behind the US, Russia, China and India. So why are we so insecure? 

This is a fascinating subject, dark forces for sure prevail a phrase used supposedly by Her Majesty when guiding Princess Diana. 

I feel a great sympathy for Her Majesty as this week she has been dragged into this furore as she signed the cooper amendment into law. This she has no choice and our ire should head in the direction of Yvette Cooper not our lovely Queen. It is great shame that Queen Elizabeth has been brought into this furore. 

Thank you for reading, please comment, like and follow.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Car Manufacturing Germany

Read full blog here

Manufacturing and Germany's Conundrum.

Having read today that we will likely stay within the confines of the EU regulatory network for perhaps another year. That's provided we take Benzodiazepines or some other form of bad boy behavioural suppressant, in order that we do not disrupt the day to day business. For me when dissenting voices such as Marine LePen are ordered to undergo psychiatric assessment. Now we are told to pay up and shut up. One has to ask is Mikael Gorbachev correct in his statement “The European Union is the Soviet Union in Western Clothes?”

Impacts on Manufacturing

Most notably the car Industry.  The UK exports of cars and parts is equal to 12% of our GDP of which half of that heads to the EU. But, this is not the whole story, the UK imports far more from the EU by way of cars and car parts than we export to them, only with the rest of the world we have a surplus. 

The car industry is dominated by oversupply, which means prices are already under pressure. It is also important to note that the UK is 13th on the list of countries that are car manufacturers, it may also come as a surprise Germany is 3rd, after China and Japan, followed by Korea, India, the United States, Brazil, France, Spain, Russia, Mexico, Iran – and the UK, which is in thirteenth place.

Car companies have for a long time been shifting their manufacturing capacity to emerging markets. If you read my blogs about Asia you will know that Indonesia offers shop floor workers at a third of the price of China for example. Given the glut of manufacturing, the pressure on prices it's no surprise if some of our manufacturing shifts. This will depend on two areas. 1) The EU look to devastate the German car Industry by making UK exports to the EU more difficult which in turn impacts German manufacturers as the UK is their largest market. This would be folly! 2) The whim of the manufacturers and their desire to use Brexit as the reason to get their bad news out. Much like Jo Moore as she pushed the then labour transport minister to publish councillors excessive expenses during the 911 terrorist attack. That's perhaps an extreme analogy but I'm sure you understand where I'm coming from.

In terms of our relationship with German car manufacturers there has been talk of an FTA to ensure German jobs are protected. If the EU continue on this path then my guess the German government will break ranks with a bilateral agreement, this is too important a lobby group from German industry to allow the bureaucrats a free ideological reign, particularly as a recession looms.

If no agreement comes then the UK will face “Common External Tariff”, 10% on cars and 5% on components. That would present an interesting conundrum for Germany should the UK apply the same rules, given we run a car industry deficit. For sure this would devastate Mercedes, BMW, VW etc. at a time when German manufacturing are squeezed by recession. Such tit-for-tat measures would be foolish for both sides. The UK needs to be open to import from the ROW, under WTO we can not remove tariffs from one WTO supplier and apply them to another. The UK needs to buy more cheaply to start the benefits of leaving the EU. However, at a consumer level it could easily be seen that a boycott could emerge should Germany or the EU slap CET tariffs.

Of course, I relate only one side of the argument the tariffs and free flow of cars and parts. But the other side perhaps equally important is the supply chains. Supply chains that our manufactures rely on, “just in time manufacturing” here could well be an issue, tariffs at borders, extra paperwork, slower movement etc. But, even here we have a “silver lining” as in such a scenario this would form the catalyst for manufacturing to rise within our shores, supply chains could be homegrown.  A renaissance; like a phoenix rising from the 70s ashes.

The automobile industry due to its size is a special case  but there is a wider issue. It has been argued that once the UK leaves the EU, particularly if it follows a policy of zero tariffs on imports from the rest of the world as well as the EU, the doomsayers claim its other manufacturing  sector would be hit heavily. It has even been suggested that the UK’s manufacturing sector could collapse, project fear perhaps. In fact, there are no reasons why UK manufacturing cannot thrive after Brexit, even after a declaration of unilateral free trade (UFT). However, it is important to note that UK manufacturers are enjoying a bonanza with the pound depreciation. Even if, tariffs are applied across the EU these have been more than offset by the pound's depreciation.

Thank you once again for reading my ramblings, if you have comments or wish to add or contradict this story please comment below. Thanks!

Monday 8 April 2019

Could Scotland Push For A 2nd Referendum?

In 1707 Scotland and the Scots we're bought and sold for English Gold or so say the words of Robert Burns. When, in reality the union had formed 54 years earlier with the formation of the Commonwealth between the two countries with the United Kingdom coming into force 1 May 1707.

A Remarkable alliance by all accounts, on one side the English were concerned that the Scots would form or rekindle an old alliance with the French, turning against the English. England had become reliant on many Scots regiments to fight within the army of the then Commonwealth, the fear that these troops would change sides was a real and present danger. On the Scottish side they were heavily in debt following an investment intended to create a great trading route between the Atlantic and stretching across the Pacific. With every Scot, or those that could invest £5 invested in a new pioneering venture based in Panama. This failed impoverishing Scottish folk, hence the term coined by Robert Burns. Whilst the term had negative tones the intent was honourable,  and of mutual benefit.

Today we have a real and present danger that the Union will be shattered after a no deal Brexit. This has reduced somewhat due to the SNP losing seats at the last election but it hasn't disappeared. With Parliament behaving the way it has, this could be the catalyst that forces the disintegration of the union, not Brexit.

In many ways this should give time for reflection by those ardent Brexiteers. On one hand the European Union is not flavour of the age, but the historic union between the two great Kingdoms is, and a delicate path forward has to be found. The fragility of the UK is further at risk due to the parliamentary shenanigans. Brexit has been mishandled.

The UK is worthy of saving, and the EU is worthy of leaving. We have a long and powerful history together, fought in wars together. We have a shared language, a shared monarchy, and we have both benefited economically and will continue to do so once we are through this, what is a silly season in British Politics.

Scottish secession will be won or lost based on ideology, emotion and a misguided dislike of all things English. This would be a travesty as undoubtedly we have prospered together. The EU presents a real and present danger to Scotland should they get their hands on this culturally rich kingdom. However, Scotland could well be a bystander in the success of Great Britain and those that remain in the United Kingdom. 

In the Union's favour is of course the economic circumstances. Scotland's economy is reliant on oil, during the last referendum for Scottish Independence the oil price hovered around $120 per barrel, looking poised to accelerate northward, today we have $60 approx. The economic situation is a far cry from 2014. Even 2014 the economic well-being of Scotland was far from assured. Today it would make no sense at all, particularly when you look to the Eurozone and their lacklustre growth. For sure Scotland would need to participate in the Euro and the eurozone has been a straight jacket to many EU economies.

Let's be clear for Scotland to be a success austerity would need to bite more severely than it has. Taxes would have to rise and public spending would need to be cut. The Remaining UK tax payers subsidise Scotland to the tune of £1000 per head per year. 

The EU have made clear Scotland will leave the EU when the UK leaves the EU. Scotland would have to join the EU by taking its place in the queue. Membership is not at all assured. Spain will most certainly veto membership fearing a backlash from Catalonia.  Although, in 2017 Spain have said they would not veto Scotland joining it is generally felt that that was an enforced political posturing. 

To detract from the emotional passion to pull away from England, there are several factors to consider:

  1. The Scottish English border would be a headache for the EU. 
  2. Scotland’s exports to England and Wales are today four times larger than they export to the EU.
  3. Scottish businessmen and women will most certainly migrate south causing a significant exodus of wealth and jobs from an already beleaguered nation.
  4. The subsidy argument should not be dismissed, the EU would need to take up the slack at a time when they are reeling from the loss from what is the equivalent of 20 EU states.

The upshot is that the economic losses for Scotland from leaving the UK are probably greater with the UK out of the EU. Meanwhile, as the EU’s problems mount, and indeed the chances of an EU break-up rise, the wider case for Scotland to leave the UK looks weaker still. Suppose Scotland left the UK, believing that the EU would give it shelter, only to find that the EU had broken up. What a fate that would be. So, in contrast to the prevailing conventional wisdom, I believe that a Scottish secession from the UK is now much less likely than it was a few years ago. Click here

Sunday 7 April 2019

The UK Global Links Are The Envy Of The EU.

I have two threads running under this blog title. 1. Brexit, 2. Asia and Asia's Century. Today I will look at the combination of the two and how it matters, of course once we have the courage to finally leave the regulatory constraints of the EU.

The UK has a great deal to be pleased about, we have links throughout the world. Links that have stood the test of time, with many countries that will soon be deemed Goliath’s in terms of their economic capacity.  Then there is NAFTA an association that we would be able to step into with great ease, indeed the door has already been opened. We have the five eyes some of which overlaps with NAFTA, then of course we have the Commonwealth of Nations by all accounts a remarkable progressive group of nations, these in part overlap with NAFTA and the five eyes.

We have allowed this group to fade in our consciousness which has been in a way not helpful in terms of our relationships in or outside of Europe, for these nations economies can no longer be deemed insignificant, India for example will soon become the 4th largest economy. Collectively their GDP represents an enormous opportunity to the UK. This is an organization versed in our legal system making trading easily possible. English is the major language forming excellent communication routes, and of course our Monarch is the head of the Commonwealth. In an illustration below I highlight a book by David Howell a former Conservative Cabinet Minister, titled “Old Links New Ties”. In it he emphasizes that the Commonwealth is a ‘network stretching across 54 independent nations, embracing 16 realms and 38 republics or other monarchies and somewhere above 2 billion people, just about a third of the human race – and on paper at least an economic colossus with 20 per cent of the world’s trade and growth prospects that would make European eyes green with envy’.

I make much of Asia and the growth this region represents and of course our ties are historic throughout this region. For me I have focussed on Indonesia, primarily as this is a country that has captivated me since the early 90s.  But let's be mindful this region whilst it has many ties to the realm of course it is only part of the story.  Several dynamic, economically progressive African nations they to have links to the UK. These bonds surpass cocktail parties and banter amongst the embassy elite, although these are important, these countries armies are plugged into the UK system, from Sandhurst to Whitehall the links are formidable. Then you have health, legal systems, trade practises, monarchy etc. the historic bonds of time are in place and will serve us well for the future. 

Many economic observers foresee the African economies as being on the cusp of significant growth much the same as the tiger economies of the past. Sadly when the UK joined the EU in 1973 our ties were downgraded within the Commonwealth. We deemed the Commonwealth passé perhaps not our smartest endeavour given the stifling regulation that has come down the Euro pipe.

It's not my intention to overplay the Commonwealth. Of course, they are a group of nations not an organized trading bloc within a “Customs union” such that the EU is.  However, David Howell makes a significant point that in today's technological environment such blocs are yesterday's story, the future belongs in the increasingly networked, digital world's that these countries have been at pains to develop as their cities emerged into modern metropolis’.  What the Commonwealth offers its members is a set of connections and linkages that facilitate trade. At the heart of it lies the English language and similar institutional and legal structures based on the British model. There has even been a suggestion of creating a Commonwealth investment bank, a Commonwealth business visa and a Commonwealth airport queue. Even though these do not sound like game-changers, the possibilities from increased Commonwealth trade should not be lightly dismissed. After all, the EU began with the humble-sounding European Coal and Steel Community.

From remain side of the argument there is great store that the UK is too small. We will never be able to go it alone. Then you reference say Singapore, you then have the argument; they are small and dynamic, a niche player if you like you can not compare a UK as though it is Singapore.  It seems the argument is circular, you have to be large or small you can not be mid sized for here we will wither and die. This is a misnomer as the UK is still the 5th or 6th largest economy, it's larger than Russia, Brazil or India. 

It is predicted that the UK will soon be the largest economy in Europe after all since the establishment of the Eurozone our growth has surpassed Germany and is double that of France. As I have said in previous notes the UK population is set to grow and become bigger than that of Germany. 

It is time to show courage and insist we leave, and hope the Eurozone adapts and returns sovereignty to the nation states. But alas if you listen to Verhofstadt his mantra is always to transfer sovereignty into Europe. 

Thank you for reading my ramblings.

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