Monday 25 February 2019

Brexit - Damned if I do and damned if I don't.

Jeremy Corbyn or indeed Theresa May for that matter they are not leaders, if they were their branches would not be swaying every which way. I believe, that we the electorate matter not one jot any more.

To delay is to prolong this confusion, this vacuum until such time that the remainers predictions arrive at our doorstep. Not because of Brexit because of prolonged dis-unity and the fog of chaos that has descended across the UK. Self sabotage is an award that belongs firmly with the UK parliamentary parties, for some considerable time it looked as though the Irish Taoiseach could have the award.

Surely any sane person would know you can't negotiate if the other party know where you'll stop. The EU have not had to play this well they just had to play to the divisions in the country's political parties. They did not even have to be concerned by the British people and their vote.  Just like they weren't with the Irish or the Danes.  Just like they care not one iota for the under 25s across the med.  And, just as long as their authoritarian projects protect their vested interests.

How could these two parties emerge at the same time? Both are rudderless, both are led by their tails and neither give a damn about the electorate.

This should have been done and dusted by now. Life would be normal we would have found our balance in the world. We would have escaped the clutches of the failing project, with all its favouritism, protectionism and elitism.

Ten percent of our exports go into Europe, and we think that should concern us enough that we allow the behaviours of chaos and confusion to jeopardize the other 90%. I think the SMEs are being to British and should be speaking out more to end this farce, the pantomime season is over.  This is not some allegory, shadow in a cave, this is real life. The harm the politicians are doing is real and its tangible.

The parties of our government behave in a way that is reminiscent of Prometheus verses Zeus, Prometheus gave fire to the people, Zeus wanted it for himself, or Robin Hood verses the Sheriff together with the Cardinals, wrecked havoc to protect their ill-gotten gains and to keep the people down-trodden. This is the 21C we don't do down-trodden and nor do we do subterfuge.  Play your games, snipe at each other but do it at your own expense. You're not disciples of Zeus and we will not drink from your cup!

A second referendum is just another way to delay, wreck the economy further. For what? If you must have something, have an election, give us at least a fighting chance to have representatives who hummmm represent us?!

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