Friday 10 May 2019

Questiontime May, Nigel Farage, Anna Sourby

Monday 22 April 2019

We must decouple from the European Union and not enter the backstop

The UK has lots of advantages and if they are used cleverly to decouple from the EU, as well as the new freedom in a good bilateral relationship, then the UK could develop very positively – I’m convinced of thatRead here

Ueli Maurer Swiss Finance Minister FT 26 March 2017

We must decouple from the European Union

In 2016, we were faced with an extreme version of project fear. Such claims that if we broke from the European union's iron grip then we would indeed face dire consequences. Such consequences would immediately be felt by way of half a million job losses. But, another claim that has not come to fruition, which today has been swept under the carpet so to speak that is FDI “Foreign Direct Investment”, it was claimed that FDI would dry up plunging the UK into a form of Banana republic. 

Here we are in 2019, having enjoyed the best employment rates on record, jobs have grown significantly. Almost daily there is positive news, even this week a headline read that all job vacancies since the referendum have been filled by British Nationals. Now for the papers to print such a headline would be deemed racist, but, is it? How can it be, as the UK is already a cosmopolitan, eclectic mix. Nevertheless, the headline makes good reading, in part vindicates leaving the European Union's iron grip. Of course in addition the headline employment rate makes a compelling story also in support of vote leave.

Foreign Direct Investment "FDI"

Foreign Direct Investment “FDI” not only did it not dry up, investment  have quadrupled coming from across the world. But here's the catch and this should embarrass remainers: we have had record investment since the referendum! Last year our Foreign Investment was second only to China, passing the FDI into the USA. Bizarre as tbis will seem European Union conglomerates are placing investments in the UK looking for a better future. With such a raft of good news why do we still have these daily battles with remain and Theresa May? 

The Japanese perhaps were always seen as the biggest risk to our financial well-being. But, apart from headline grabbing statements exploited by the media this has been no more than an irritant played out to sell newspapers, metaphorically speaking. 

Yes it's true Japanese have over the years invested in the UK to access the European market, but tariffs are not the only reason the Japanese are here.  The UK has a great climate for manufacture which is interference free, a stable environment. Even with the Parliament shenaniggans this continues to be the case. 

The Japanese are not known for their astute interpretation of all things European. In the late 1990s they predicted with equal vigor gloom, despair, almost apocalyptic if we were to snub the Euro. Of course that was not the case. To continue with this "orchestrated" despair we hear noise from French conglomerates, German conglomerates such as BMW who all claim in somehow unison, they predict the worst for their businesses that are in the UK. Of course one assumes there was no political pressure brought to bear on them to make such statements. But, since we seem to be enjoying a boom period. Our economy has outperformed even the stellar German economy within the Eurozone, which we all know is heading for recession.

Free Trade Agreements

It is absurd to assume that we the UK would collapse as an economy even if we end up with a situation of paying tariffs to enter the European markets. This is simply not true! For one, we run a surplus, we sell to European Union two-thirds of our product to that of the European Union products sold to the UK, in real terms, per year we run a £90 Billion deficit. Seriously can Germany walk away from that. On a second point, there are 100s of countries who sell to the EU on WTO including the USA, weakening the argument further Japan also sells product from Japan into the EU with little or no issues. So why is WTO so onerous a prospect? Why do we assume that when entering on WTO we remain on WTO. Rationally, negotiating a Free Trade Agreement can this not be the adult way forward?

When you analyse the-remain argument there really is so little of substance to their points, apart from the term MY! It is always about them and not the collective. Their supply chains, their holidays, their future. Indeed, their arguments are so weak they always resort to insults, such as:

We are Xenophobic, little Englanders, low caste (if such a thing exists). All I can say to that is; many in a number of constituencies with large South Asian populations they delivered Leave votes, including Luton (56.5% Leave), Hillingdon (56.4% Leave), Slough (54.3% Leave) and Bradford (54.2% Leave). All have South Asian populations of 25% and above. It’s not unreasonable to think that such Leave votes could not have been delivered without a significant number of Asian voters opting for Brexit. Read here

The UK has lots of advantages and if they are used cleverly to decouple from the EU, as well as the new freedom in a good bilateral relationship, then the UK could develop very positively – I’m convinced of thatRead here

Ueli Maurer Swiss Finance Minister FT 26 March 2017

We must decouple from the European Union

In 2016, we were faced with an extreme version of project fear. Such claims that if we broke from the European union's iron grip then we would indeed face dire consequences. Such consequences would immediately be felt by way of half a million job losses. But, another claim that has not come to fruition, which today has been swept under the carpet so to speak that is FDI “Foreign Direct Investment”, it was claimed that FDI would dry up plunging the UK into a form of Banana republic. 

Here we are in 2019, having enjoyed the best employment rates on record, jobs have grown significantly. Almost daily there is positive news, even this week a headline read that all job vacancies since the referendum have been filled by British Nationals. Now for the papers to print such a headline would be deemed racist, but, is it? How can it be, as the UK is already a cosmopolitan, eclectic mix. Nevertheless, the headline makes good reading, in part vindicates leaving the European Union's iron grip. Of course in addition the headline employment rate makes a compelling story also in support of vote leave.

Foreign Direct Investment "FDI"

Foreign Direct Investment “FDI” not only did it not dry up, investment  have quadrupled coming from across the world. But here's the catch and this should embarrass remainers: we have had record investment since the referendum! Last year our Foreign Investment was second only to China, passing the FDI into the USA. Bizarre as tbis will seem European Union conglomerates are placing investments in the UK looking for a better future. With such a raft of good news why do we still have these daily battles with remain and Theresa May? 

The Japanese perhaps were always seen as the biggest risk to our financial well-being. But, apart from headline grabbing statements exploited by the media this has been no more than an irritant played out to sell newspapers, metaphorically speaking. 

Yes it's true Japanese have over the years invested in the UK to access the European market, but tariffs are not the only reason the Japanese are here.  The UK has a great climate for manufacture which is interference free, a stable environment. Even with the Parliament shenaniggans this continues to be the case. 

The Japanese are not known for their astute interpretation of all things European. In the late 1990s they predicted with equal vigor gloom, despair, almost apocalyptic if we were to snub the Euro. Of course that was not the case. To continue with this "orchestrated" despair we hear noise from French conglomerates, German conglomerates such as BMW who all claim in somehow unison, they predict the worst for their businesses that are in the UK. Of course one assumes there was no political pressure brought to bear on them to make such statements. But, since we seem to be enjoying a boom period. Our economy has outperformed even the stellar German economy within the Eurozone, which we all know is heading for recession.

Free Trade Agreements

It is absurd to assume that we the UK would collapse as an economy even if we end up with a situation of paying tariffs to enter the European markets. This is simply not true! For one, we run a surplus, we sell to European Union two-thirds of our product to that of the European Union products sold to the UK, in real terms, per year we run a £90 Billion deficit. Seriously can Germany walk away from that. On a second point, there are 100s of countries who sell to the EU on WTO including the USA, weakening the argument further Japan also sells product from Japan into the EU with little or no issues. So why is WTO so onerous a prospect? Why do we assume that when entering on WTO we remain on WTO. Rationally, negotiating a Free Trade Agreement can this not be the adult way forward?

When you analyse the-remain argument there really is so little of substance to their points, apart from the term MY! It is always about them and not the collective. Their supply chains, their holidays, their future. Indeed, their arguments are so weak they always resort to insults, such as:

We are Xenophobic, little Englanders, low caste (if such a thing exists). All I can say to that is; many in a number of constituencies with large South Asian populations they delivered Leave votes, including Luton (56.5% Leave), Hillingdon (56.4% Leave), Slough (54.3% Leave) and Bradford (54.2% Leave). All have South Asian populations of 25% and above. It’s not unreasonable to think that such Leave votes could not have been delivered without a significant number of Asian voters opting for Brexit. Read here

Sunday 21 April 2019

Nigel Farage look to the Magna Carta

Or one for Boris Johnson

Nigel Farage What Planet Are These MPs From?

Philip Hammond attending the IMF conference in New York. Explains this as we are again leading the world in lessons on democracy, he claims we are a bastion of democracy and this is what a democracy does. The world should take note for we are the best at it. He went on to say we must now put Brexit behind us and move onto other government issues. Well hear hear to that. However, as a guess this was code for, we must bury Brexit now once and for all.  He then said that politics is always like this and in one year this will be all forgotten assuming the conservatives will waltz the next election. 
  1. I agree we must move on, but to do this you and others in government must truly leave the EU.
  2. This in time will be forgotten, but, I fear Mr Hammond this may take 10 years, you are deluding yourself if you think you can bring authoritarianism to the shores of the United Kingdom and expect it to be forgotten. Particularly when you represent only vested interests and damn the rest of the Great British people.
  3. This not democracy in action, this is a battle of democracy over unabashed authoritarianism. Democracy is about representing your constituents, it's about representing the people of Great Britain. You Mr Hammond are doing neither, move aside and let Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson or even Jacob Rees-Mogg into office.. 

We are where we are because you and others will not accept democracy, this is unacceptable. I suspect there's a lot about our role in the EU that is illegal under the rules of the Magna Carta along with other rulings such as the "Bill Of Rights" centuries later, but more on that in another article. Bill of rights can be referenced here

Many people believe as I did that we were given an option by way of referendum on joining the EU. This is not the case we joined in 1973. We were given the option through a referendum to leave in 1975.

  1. Prior to joining a poll was taken where the British people overwhelmingly reject to join.  Ted Heath was asked after our membership had passed why did he not seek a mandate from the British people. His answer “Because the British people would have said no”.  Not only did he run roughshod over us he deceived Parliament.  Informing the house that it was a simple trading block with shared ideas. What he failed to explain was the “Werner report” produced in the late 60s this report was the basis of the EU today. Within this report it is outlined exactly what the EU was and what was intended. Loss of Sovereignty was always on the agenda, it was expected to be handed to the EU. Verhofstadt is absolutely right to insist member states surrender more Sovereignty it is in the EU constitution since the beginning. 
  2. In 1975, we did indeed elect to stay in the EU, by a resounding 64% but on a turnout considerably less than we had in 2016. It is important to remember; the 1970s were our darkest decade for they ushered in the Soviet funded unions intent on disrupting manufacturing in this country. Strikes were seen everywhere, violence was on the streets, picket lines made use of flying pickets, which meant any radical could join any strike group. Three day weeks, power outages, TV was shut down. Cold dark nights were indeed the norm.

A Question For Jacob Rees-Mogg Perhaps

Jacob is our membership legal? And was the surrender of our sovereignty legal? Here the argument becomes quite fuzzy.

  1. The magna Carta throws doubt on this! 
  2. In 1530 a group of Lords wrote very clearly to the then pope Clemence requesting the annulment of Henry the Eighths marriage. The letter was signed by MPs as well as the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. Within the letter they claim: they will apply under UK  law extreme remedies to split with the Catholic church. The letter was a three-foot wide parchment with 18 wax seals. Effectively this document was our first foray as a brexiteer, making Henry an eminent brexiteer, and of course we are aware of the outcome and no evil has fallen on us.
  3. In 1689 came the English bill of rights again throwing doubt on the legality of a foreign power holding dominion over the UK. Within this document it is clear: No foreign Prince, Person, Prelate, state nor potentate can rule over England. I will explain more in a later post, but this raises the question is membership legal? Click here

Boris Johnson We Brits Are Embarrased

An Australian whom I had dinner with last night, asked me a simple question and then explained his reasons. Given the basis that perception is reality we should really take note and put an end to these disjointed loner type behaviours emanating from our British Parliament. However, I digress the question was simple “Am I not ashamed to be British at this time?” He went on to explain, “ the global economy is slowing and as the 5th largest economy you have to play your part to move growth forward, but you're not instead you are destroying democracy and bringing the acceptance of Authoritarian rule”. It is difficult to defend the indefensible.

Or one for Boris Johnson

Nigel Farage What Planet Are These MPs From?

Philip Hammond attending the IMF conference in New York. Explains this as we are again leading the world in lessons on democracy, he claims we are a bastion of democracy and this is what a democracy does. The world should take note for we are the best at it. He went on to say we must now put Brexit behind us and move onto other government issues. Well hear hear to that. However, as a guess this was code for, we must bury Brexit now once and for all.  He then said that politics is always like this and in one year this will be all forgotten assuming the conservatives will waltz the next election. 
  1. I agree we must move on, but to do this you and others in government must truly leave the EU.
  2. This in time will be forgotten, but, I fear Mr Hammond this may take 10 years, you are deluding yourself if you think you can bring authoritarianism to the shores of the United Kingdom and expect it to be forgotten. Particularly when you represent only vested interests and damn the rest of the Great British people.
  3. This not democracy in action, this is a battle of democracy over unabashed authoritarianism. Democracy is about representing your constituents, it's about representing the people of Great Britain. You Mr Hammond are doing neither, move aside and let Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson or even Jacob Rees-Mogg into office.. 

We are where we are because you and others will not accept democracy, this is unacceptable. I suspect there's a lot about our role in the EU that is illegal under the rules of the Magna Carta along with other rulings such as the "Bill Of Rights" centuries later, but more on that in another article. Bill of rights can be referenced here

Many people believe as I did that we were given an option by way of referendum on joining the EU. This is not the case we joined in 1973. We were given the option through a referendum to leave in 1975.

  1. Prior to joining a poll was taken where the British people overwhelmingly reject to join.  Ted Heath was asked after our membership had passed why did he not seek a mandate from the British people. His answer “Because the British people would have said no”.  Not only did he run roughshod over us he deceived Parliament.  Informing the house that it was a simple trading block with shared ideas. What he failed to explain was the “Werner report” produced in the late 60s this report was the basis of the EU today. Within this report it is outlined exactly what the EU was and what was intended. Loss of Sovereignty was always on the agenda, it was expected to be handed to the EU. Verhofstadt is absolutely right to insist member states surrender more Sovereignty it is in the EU constitution since the beginning. 
  2. In 1975, we did indeed elect to stay in the EU, by a resounding 64% but on a turnout considerably less than we had in 2016. It is important to remember; the 1970s were our darkest decade for they ushered in the Soviet funded unions intent on disrupting manufacturing in this country. Strikes were seen everywhere, violence was on the streets, picket lines made use of flying pickets, which meant any radical could join any strike group. Three day weeks, power outages, TV was shut down. Cold dark nights were indeed the norm.

A Question For Jacob Rees-Mogg Perhaps

Jacob is our membership legal? And was the surrender of our sovereignty legal? Here the argument becomes quite fuzzy.

  1. The magna Carta throws doubt on this! 
  2. In 1530 a group of Lords wrote very clearly to the then pope Clemence requesting the annulment of Henry the Eighths marriage. The letter was signed by MPs as well as the Arch Bishop of Canterbury. Within the letter they claim: they will apply under UK  law extreme remedies to split with the Catholic church. The letter was a three-foot wide parchment with 18 wax seals. Effectively this document was our first foray as a brexiteer, making Henry an eminent brexiteer, and of course we are aware of the outcome and no evil has fallen on us.
  3. In 1689 came the English bill of rights again throwing doubt on the legality of a foreign power holding dominion over the UK. Within this document it is clear: No foreign Prince, Person, Prelate, state nor potentate can rule over England. I will explain more in a later post, but this raises the question is membership legal? Click here

Boris Johnson We Brits Are Embarrased

An Australian whom I had dinner with last night, asked me a simple question and then explained his reasons. Given the basis that perception is reality we should really take note and put an end to these disjointed loner type behaviours emanating from our British Parliament. However, I digress the question was simple “Am I not ashamed to be British at this time?” He went on to explain, “ the global economy is slowing and as the 5th largest economy you have to play your part to move growth forward, but you're not instead you are destroying democracy and bringing the acceptance of Authoritarian rule”. It is difficult to defend the indefensible.

Saturday 20 April 2019

The Brexit Tyranny That We All Face And Will Ultimately Harm Us

Tyrants ultimately look stupid

The Face of the Brexit Tyranny Comes In Many Forms 

Listen to the people, this is not going away passions are running high. Not necessarily because you are ignoring us, more because you are treating us as stupid. Add to this the argument coming from remain camp, it is quite abusive.

To refer to us as Xenophobic, working class, low paid, low educated is really quite absurd. Many affluent regions of the UK voted out, many Asians voted out, so you see such labels are quite ridiculous. Why do we have seperate Brexit meetings in the EU by those who have no interest other than themselves and have no role in Government and do not represent the people. This is self serving tyranny in its basic form intent on overturning Brexit. See here

This Is Why Brexit Tyranny Will Not Work

The issue here is; it was drummed home during the referendum campaign that this vote would be honoured, a once in a lifetime vote, there will be no second brexit vote, leave means leave.  So why three years later are we still talking about this? Why are we now pushing for a second brexit referendum? To prevaricate like this, it is adding to the divisions in our society.  I'm sorry to say remain have lost the argument as the economy has powered on throughout this muddle, Investment surpasses all, bar China and has done so since the vote.  Indeed, better still the EU corporate's have also piled money into the UK seeking better times outside of the extreme regulation framework of the EU. All of this makes the tyrannical individuals appear more self-serving. Refer to click here

Ironically, we talk of Foreign corporations investing in the UK to gain access to the EU. As we have seen, this is not the case as investment has been stellar, but, what we are seeing is investment from the EU looking to the UK to focus on the wider world. If the remainers could look to the future and believe in Great Britain then we indeed have a good chance of a better future. A better future already being factored in by the way smart money is moving to our shores. If we allow the Brexit tyrants to scupper this opportunity then we are doomed to the fate of an already declining EU.

The Poor Results Of Tyrannical Behavour Can Be Seen 

The EU with the straight jacket of the Euro have devastated the Mediterranean countries, to the point that the young no longer have hope. Is this what we want for the UK? No it is not. France is not immune from this malaise their economy has performed poorly since 2008, at half the pace of the UK and a third of the US.  The best performing economy since 2008 has been Germany which has still waded in at a level significantly lower than the UK.

Mrs May must not get her way, we must never agree her treaty, we must never agree to be subservient to the EU. If they wish to play hard ball then so be it, their growth is poor even with the major parts going into recession. 

The forecasts heading out 10 years show the Eurozone a mere 10% of worldwide GDP, source PWC. PWC predict that this is Asia's century indeed the top 5 economies only 1 western economy will appear, the USA at number 2, the rest Asia. Even the UK is predicted to pass Germany as the largest economy. See here 

Have faith Leave we must! The EU must change if individuals are to have hope, the EU must emerge as champions for the people not the elite, nor the corporations. The next leader must work for the people, Tyrannical Blair is not that person!

Tyrants ultimately look stupid

The Face of the Brexit Tyranny Comes In Many Forms 

Listen to the people, this is not going away passions are running high. Not necessarily because you are ignoring us, more because you are treating us as stupid. Add to this the argument coming from remain camp, it is quite abusive.

To refer to us as Xenophobic, working class, low paid, low educated is really quite absurd. Many affluent regions of the UK voted out, many Asians voted out, so you see such labels are quite ridiculous. Why do we have seperate Brexit meetings in the EU by those who have no interest other than themselves and have no role in Government and do not represent the people. This is self serving tyranny in its basic form intent on overturning Brexit. See here

This Is Why Brexit Tyranny Will Not Work

The issue here is; it was drummed home during the referendum campaign that this vote would be honoured, a once in a lifetime vote, there will be no second brexit vote, leave means leave.  So why three years later are we still talking about this? Why are we now pushing for a second brexit referendum? To prevaricate like this, it is adding to the divisions in our society.  I'm sorry to say remain have lost the argument as the economy has powered on throughout this muddle, Investment surpasses all, bar China and has done so since the vote.  Indeed, better still the EU corporate's have also piled money into the UK seeking better times outside of the extreme regulation framework of the EU. All of this makes the tyrannical individuals appear more self-serving. Refer to click here

Ironically, we talk of Foreign corporations investing in the UK to gain access to the EU. As we have seen, this is not the case as investment has been stellar, but, what we are seeing is investment from the EU looking to the UK to focus on the wider world. If the remainers could look to the future and believe in Great Britain then we indeed have a good chance of a better future. A better future already being factored in by the way smart money is moving to our shores. If we allow the Brexit tyrants to scupper this opportunity then we are doomed to the fate of an already declining EU.

The Poor Results Of Tyrannical Behavour Can Be Seen 

The EU with the straight jacket of the Euro have devastated the Mediterranean countries, to the point that the young no longer have hope. Is this what we want for the UK? No it is not. France is not immune from this malaise their economy has performed poorly since 2008, at half the pace of the UK and a third of the US.  The best performing economy since 2008 has been Germany which has still waded in at a level significantly lower than the UK.

Mrs May must not get her way, we must never agree her treaty, we must never agree to be subservient to the EU. If they wish to play hard ball then so be it, their growth is poor even with the major parts going into recession. 

The forecasts heading out 10 years show the Eurozone a mere 10% of worldwide GDP, source PWC. PWC predict that this is Asia's century indeed the top 5 economies only 1 western economy will appear, the USA at number 2, the rest Asia. Even the UK is predicted to pass Germany as the largest economy. See here 

Have faith Leave we must! The EU must change if individuals are to have hope, the EU must emerge as champions for the people not the elite, nor the corporations. The next leader must work for the people, Tyrannical Blair is not that person!

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Now the US turn to meddle in UK politics

It's not over yet.. who is Nancy Pelosi to interfere in the UK. Don't you just love it when the EU make announcements just for effect! This whole episode is really quite pathetic. A video below describes brexit as it is today!

It's not over yet.. who is Nancy Pelosi to interfere in the UK. Don't you just love it when the EU make announcements just for effect! This whole episode is really quite pathetic. A video below describes brexit as it is today!

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Behind you Mr Lammy its panto season in the commons again

The walter Mitty of Parliament David Lammy

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